
Every Little Detail Counts

 The lovely thing about things is that they have to come from somewhere. 
Why not Oxford and Why not from You?

Let's take these two pillows. 

What do you think it takes to create each pillow?

1. Fabric for the cover
2. Thread
3. Fabric for the lining
4. An insert (either down of poly blend)
5. A zipper or buttons
6. Scissors
7. Table to lay out the fabric
8. A sewing Machine
9. Electricity
10. Labels
11. A box for shipping
12. Shipping labels

Each item represents a manufacture 
One who potentially,
 has kids, 
pays a mortgage, 
drives a car, and 
does not live in New York City.

If one of these vendors were you, how would customers find you? 
Think about it, then give us a call.
We can help you create a winning online presence for your business.

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